" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Monday, March 31, 2014

a tea for two...mom and baby boy!

My daughter, daughter -in- law, a few very close friends
and I gathered at the British Pantry and Tea Room on Saturday.
Our little tea party was to honor the mom-to-be and to celebrate 
the May arrival of our newest grandson.

As you can see, there was plenty of delicious food
and pretty tea cups to sip from.
Our meal was called "A Taste of Britain" tea
and included scones, sausage roll, chicken salad sandwiches,
cucumber sandwiches, Prince William cake, and cookies.
Everything was fresh and tasty!

Our friends, who have known our son all or most of his life
were thoughtful and generous. "Mom" received very nice 
gifts...gift cards, toys, wipes, etc. 
The baby boy's room is decorated in an adventure theme,
so this book was perfect!

This was new to me... a baby monitor with a video feature.

 And his aunt made sure he has an outfit for our beach trip this summer !

We were careful to hold our cups correctly...
notice the pinkies! ha! ha!

 Sweet forever friends!
(see the "pretty" white containers? got to take the leftovers home!)

It was a sweet, relaxed party and a joy to share this special
event with ladies we love!

Love these daughters of mine!!

Back at the house, Dad was happy to check out the "loot"!

We are so grateful for the precious gift of another grand!
Can't wait to see him, hold him, and watch mom and dad
use all these wonderful gifts! :-)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

a blanket of love

For the month of February and the first two weeks of March,
I was working on a special project.
I didn't mention it here because it was a surprise
for my sweet daughter in law who is expecting our newest
grandson in May.
Saturday, we had a small tea party/shower for her and
I chose that opportunity to give it to her.

I am not the best or the most experienced "crochet-er", but
I was pleased with the way it turned out.
And I loved making it...thinking about the precious
little boy that soon would be warmed by it.

I found the ripple pattern on Pinterest and thought it sounded 
like the perfect size. But as you may know, some people crochet
tighter, some looser. After I had done about 6-8 inches, I realized
it wasn't as wide as the pattern said. I decided not to start over
 with hope that I could figure out a way to add to the width. 
When I finished the length, I decided to try adding
a border of single crochets to the sides. And, lo and behold...
it worked!!

I think it even makes it looked more finished.
Hey, maybe I created a new pattern! ha! ha!

The lovely mother-to-be with her gift!
She liked it and that made me very happy!

Our little party was sweet...more on that next time! :-)

Friday, March 28, 2014

our littlest man

Our Little C turned 3 mos old last week.
He is thriving...growing and developing just as he should!

And we are so grateful!
He likes to smile and we love to see it!

 He likes looking around and keeping up with where his mom is!

He sat up in his Bumbo for the first time this week...
and I think he liked it!

He is a sweet little man and he's getting cuter every day!
And that is a completely impartial observation from his Gran! :-)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

# 27

Today, my sweet daughter turns 27!

She is a sweet, loving young woman with a quit wit.
God has gifted her in many ways.
And she is faithful to use them to bring glory to her God
and to love others.

She is a wonderful mother and a committed wife.

She is a precious gift from God to me that I am thankful for
 every day!

Watching her grow into this beautiful woman has been
 a joy and a delight!

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! Your mama loves you very much! :-)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

wednesday hodgepodge

1. March is known as the windy month. Which of the following phrases best
 fits your March so far...'throw caution to the wind', 'three sheets to the wind',
 'run like the wind', or 'see which way the wind blows'?

Guess I would say "run like the wind". It has been a busy month...a trip to Tenn,
having family here, finishing projects, cooking for the Ronald McDonald house,
birthdays, soccer games, and work! Some days, a better description might
have been "winded"! ha! ha!

2. Your favorite green food? Your favorite dish made with your favorite green food?

Probably broccoli. I like it raw or steamed, straight or in a casserole, in soup
and with chicken and pasta in alfredo sauce.

3. Ever been locked out of your home-car-office-anywhere? Do tell!

Who hasn't??? I have locked my keys in my car several times through the years,
but I will say it has been a while since I last did it. Hubby hides a key in a
magnetic box on my car, but sometimes he hides it so well I can't find it...not much help!
The last time was on my daughter's wedding day in 2010. You should have seen me lying
on the street in downtown Macon, reaching up under my car looking
for that box...grrr! I was not happy!!

4. Yoda, Kermit, Shrek, The Wicked Witch of the West, Oscar the Grouch, The Grinch,
 or Mike Wasowski (Monsters Inc.)...of the green characters listed, which one's your
favorite and why?

I would say Mike. He was  a good and faithful friend...and he made me laugh!!

5. "The first task of a leader is to keep hope alive."~Joe Batten Do you agree?
 Why or why not?

Well, I think that is an important task of being a good leader, but not sure it is the first.
I think the first might be making the people under him/her feel valuable and capable.
I believe people perform better when they know their leader believes in them.
Also, the leader should be willing to do anything he asks the team to do.
That encourages loyalty. About 15 years ago, I was on a retreat and I saw two leaders
in action, One did these two things, one didn't. It was amazing to see the difference
in the way the two groups responded to their leaders. It was a learning experience for me.

6. Share a favorite song with an emotion in it's title.

Gratitude by Nicole Nordeman
Send some rain, would You send some rain?
'Cause the earth is dry and needs to drink again
And the sun is high and we are sinking in the shade
Would You send a cloud, thunder long and loud?
Let the sky grow black and send some mercy down
Surely You can see that we are thirsty and afraid
But maybe not, not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case ...

We'll give thanks to You with gratitude
For lessons learned in how to thirst for You
How to bless the very sun that warms our face
If You never send us rain

Daily bread, give us daily bread
Bless our bodies, keep our children fed
Fill our cups, then fill them up again tonight
Wrap us up and warm us through
Tucked away beneath our sturdy roofs
Let us slumber safe from danger's view this time
Or maybe not, not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case ...

We'll give thanks to You with gratitude
A lesson learned to hunger after You
That a starry sky offers a better view
If no roof is overhead
And if we never taste that bread

Oh, the differences that often are between
Everything we want and what we really need

So grant us peace, Jesus, grant us peace
Move our hearts to hear a single beat
Between alibis and enemies tonight
Or maybe not, not today
Peace might be another world away
And if that's the case ...

We'll give thanks to You with gratitude
For lessons learned in how to trust in You
That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream
In abundance or in need
And if You never grant us peace ...

But, Jesus, would You please ...

7. What's a road trip you'd like to take?

Hmmm...there are many places I want to go, but I would not want to drive to them.
But, I do want to go to Charleston, S.C. I've been there once, but only overnight
for a wedding. I want to go and stay long enough to see the city.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

When we went to the antique shops on Saturday, I saw several things that I had when
Hubby and I first married. That always happens, but it still makes me laugh.
Truth is, that was almost 41 years ago and they say an antique is at least 50 years old.
So, I guess it's not just my stuff that's antique...at 60, so am I!! :-)

Thanks to Joyce for hosting this every week...great questions!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

silly little girls

Little E and Little L...

only 4 1/2 months apart.
 At 2, they are beginning to really play together.
We expect them to be best buddies! 
Watching (and hearing!) them together sure is fun!
Love these silly little girls!! :-)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

die deutsch torte

Well, not really...but it is a pie made with German chocolate!
It's what we had for dessert Sat night.
It's rich (but not too rich) and creamy and easy to make.
It's a freezer dessert, so it is especially good for spring and summer.

German Chocolate Pie

1 pkg Baker's German Sweet Chocolate
2 tbsp sugar
1/3 c milk (divided into 2 tbsp and 3 tbsp+1 tsp)
3 oz cream cheese, softened
8 oz carton whipped topping
chocolate graham cracker crust

Beat cream cheese and sugar until blended.
Melt chocolate with 2 tbsp milk over low heat.
Stir until smooth. Remove from heat.
Add 3 tbsp+ 1 tsp milk to chocolate and stir until well mixed. 
Add to cream cheese and sugar mixture.
Beat until smooth. 
Fold in whipped topping. Stir until blended.
Pour into pie crust. Freeze at least 6-8 hours.

I've been making it for years...off and on...and it is always a hit.
Simple and good...just the way I like it!! :-)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

backyard beauties

I walked into the backyard yesterday to put something
in a storage building and look what I found...

A lovely surprise!
I hadn't been out there for a couple of days, so I didn't know
these azaleas had been so busy! 
The bushes are small but they're pretty!

Enjoying our son and daughter-in-law from Tenn this weekend. 
The girls are in Florida with their mom for spring break. 
We browsed some antique shops this afternoon,
had dinner and now we're watching some basketball.
About to serve dessert...
I'll have to tell you about that next time!

Thanks for dropping by! :-)

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Little L and her dad spent some time with us this week.
His favorite place when it's chilly is as close to our
wood burning stove as he can get!

He has always liked sitting on a throw pillow on the hearth.
I have pictures of him, when he was little,
actually sleeping there!

He's always been an affectionate guy.
He's a hugger and says,"I love you!"
with ease.

So, it hasn't surprised me that he rarely misses an
opportunity to snuggle with his children.

So, what could be better than ...

cuddle time by the fire? I think they would both say...
not much!! :-)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

looking "springy"

Yesterday, when I took Little L outside to watch C.W.
and Chief play ball, I noticed our dogwood was blooming!
I love the simple soft white blooms.

Here's the hydrangea. It's amazing to watch the green leaves
grow daily.

Our Encore Azaleas are blooming again!
There are only a few blooms right now, but if the warmer temps
continue, there will be more!

We always hope they are blooming at Easter...
for pictures, you know.
But, Easter is late this year...so we will see.

So, the front yard is looking pretty "springy"!
And we saw the sun today for the first time this week.
When I came home from work, the birds were singing
happily in the trees...I think they were glad to 
see the sun, too!!

wednesday hodgepodge #167

1.  Thursday marks the first day of spring...to celebrate would you rather plant a garden or go for a walk in the woods? Would either of those activities be possible on Thursday where you live?

I would rather go for the walk. We don't have much room for a garden and the little one that we have is the Hubby's project. We have woods close by and wooded walking paths in several parks.

2. When did someone last spring something on you? (or when did you last spring something on someone?)

Last June, our children surprised us with a 40th anniversary party. We had no idea they were planning
something. They invited our closest friends, decorated with beach decor (we take a family trip to the beach every year), and cooked delicious food. It was very special!

3.  We often think of spring as a time for new beginnings. What's something you'd like to start doing this spring?

Exercising! I need to get back in the gym and on the treadmill!

4. Where do you like to sit in a movie theatre? When did you last sit there, and what were you watching?

Second or third row from the top...dead center. About a month ago, I saw "Winter's Tale".

5. When you meet someone for the very first time, what do you want them to think about you?

That I care about them.

6. March is frozen food month (yes, really!). Besides ice cream (gotta make you think a little) what's your most often purchased frozen food item?

Well, I buy several different kinds of frozen veggies...baby limas, stir-fry, mixed vegs for soups, okra.
And Hubby keeps us stocked with buy frozen pizzas!
7. What's something you avoid?

Schedules! At this time in my life, other than my work schedule, I try not to make commitments that require me to be somewhere at the same time every week. When my kids were growing up, we had to have a schedule....school, chores, activities, etc. And for most of those years, I was a Sunday School teacher, choir member, or church hostess. I still enjoy being involved in ministry, but I prefer less structured opportunities. I like having the freedom to make plans with friends and family without feeling like I'm letting others down.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

More and more, I see how the choices we make each day affect our relationships with others. Those choices reflect the care and concern, or lack thereof, that we have for the people in our lives. I pray that my choices would reflect God's love and, thereby, my love for others.

Thanks, Joyce, for hosting this every week. You certainly makes us think!! :-)

Monday, March 17, 2014

tid bits

It's been raining here for two days and the temps have dropped.
 It would be good time for staying inside
 by the wood burning stove....if I could!

 A couple of weeks ago, Hubby saw a heron standing by our
Koi pond...not a good thing.
We aren't sure where he came from
 since we don't live around water. Fortunately, the pond was
covered with the net that keeps leaves out of it
 in the fall and winter.
Hope he doesn't come back when he net's off in a few weeks!

Our hydrangea is coming to life.
Always wonderful to see those beautiful green leaves
peeping out from those dead looking branches!

C.W. is here. sitting in our bay window, looking out into
the backyard, counting squirrels...he's up to 23!
He may have counted a few twice,
but who cares!! :-)

I posted pictures of our Bradford Pear tree,
but there are hundreds in our city.
They are on nearly every street, road and by-way.
And there are some big ones...
tall, full, and beautiful! And every one makes me smile!
I just love the way they look...like a tree full of snow!

C.W. and Little L are spending the night. We let them stay
up late...we were playing and having fun.
But, they are in bed now, and I'm thinking, if I'm smart, I will
go to bed, too. It pays to sleep while they sleep, because
they are early risers!!

Thanks for visiting...I hope the "tidbits" in your life today
are pleasant!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

what's up?

This is what's up!

Saturday, my friends and I took our quarterly turn providing
dinner for the families at the Ronald McDonald House.
We met several families with children ranging from
 5 days to 12 years old in the Children's Hospital:
a preemie, a little boy with spinal meningitis, and a
little girl who went into a diabetic coma.
We were happy and grateful to hear that they were
all improving.

It was Mexican night...tacos and nachos .
And, of course, dessert...brownies and fresh peach cobbler!

Hubby enjoyed his birthday and this was his favorite gift...

made for his work shop by our daughter, her hubby
 and Little E. (Little E was napping)
If you don't know, Chief is what the grands call him! :-)

Being retired, he does a lot of "piddlin'"...so it is perfect!

It was a nice weekend! :-)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

birthday buddies

Tomorrow, two of my favorites share a birthday...
a few years apart!! :-)

Little L turns two and...

Hubby turns...well, just say he is a good bit older! :)

Little L is growing and learning.
Her hair is beginning to curl and
our quiet little girl is not so quiet anymore!

Hubby works as hard as ever...chopping and hauling wood
(three truckloads this week), repairing anything around here
 that needs it, volunteering at our food bank and
helping our kids when they need it .

Little L is brave...no fear of slides or swings.
She loves being outside and terrorizing the family cats!

Hubby loves being outside, too. 
He loves the water...snorkeling, riding the waves
on a float, pulling a seine, and casting a fishing line.

Little L loves her Bubba (C.W.) and he loves making her laugh.
When she came to visit Wed, we gave her a gift, sang
 Happy Birthday and had cupcakes.
She had the best time blowing out her candle!
We did it over and over! :-)

I took Hubby shopping last night. So, he picked out
some things he liked and he has placed his order for
lunch tomorrow. I have been cooking this morning so
 it will be ready when we get home from church.
He's a "country cooking" kind of guy...
so the menu didn't surprise me!

Hubby isn't that big on celebrations...a hug and a kiss
and a Happy Birthday wish would be enough for him.
But, I'll have to say that Little L's birth on his birthday 
was a celebration he welcomed!
 What a special thing for the two of them to share!
Happy Birthday Hubby and Little L...
hope you get to celebrate together for many years to come!