" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

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About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Monday, August 25, 2014

jars of good things

When Hubby planted his little garden, he talked of canning 
the produce he was expecting to harvest.
Last year, he did have an abundance of cayenne peppers
and he canned about 15 pints of those.
But I'm afraid I was a "wife of little faith"
and didn't expect there to be much preserving 
(of the canning variety) going on in our kitchen.
Well, he proved me wrong!
So far, we have 11 quarts of tomatoes...

10 quarts of beans...

and 3 pints of peppers!

Not bad for a tiny little plot. He has planted 6 more bean plants
in hopes of a fall harvest.
I've learned my lesson...I'm expecting him to do just that!! :-)


  1. We haven't had any excess veggies to can or freeze. We planted what everyone said would be way too many green bean plants, but we haven't had enough to cook up to eat in 4-5 days. We had hoped to share with DD and her family, but so far we can't keep ourselves in beans. We do have a bit of an abundance of tomatoes, but not enough to can or freeze ... we've just been sharing our excess with DD and our neighbors.

  2. How nice and how pretty. I am so glad you are enjoying your garden. I thought we would have tons of produce to can this year. We didn't.
    I still have 40 tomato plants and barely get enough to eat.
    I love how pretty the fool looks.

  3. Wow...I'm so impressed. Well done. My son was just sharing how abundant his tomato harvest is this year. I wonder if he'll try his hand at canning. Have a wonderful day!

  4. Wow---that is tremendous...Congrats to hubby.. He obviously has a very green thumb... Looks like you all will be set for the winter!!!! Congrats.


  5. I'm a flower gardener, but the past couple years I have done minimal veggies -- this year, two cherry tomato plants, a zucchini, and a summer squash. I enjoy checking on the tomatoes ever other day or so and having several to toss into salad or have washed and lying on the counter for someone to pop into her mouth. Your canned goods are enviable!

  6. Wow! Kudos to your hubby. I too am always amazed what can be grown in a little plot.

  7. Awesome....way to go! I have never canned anything. Enjoy!


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