" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

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About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

too late

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One afternoon last week, I went to the movies. There were two ladies in line in front of me buying tickets. Or I should say...attempting to buy tickets. The movie they wanted to see had already started....40 minutes earlier. The young lady in the ticket booth told them the cut off time to sell tickets after a film has started is 15 minutes.They protested, but she did not relent. They were not happy and had some negative comments for me as they passed by on the way back to their car. 

First of all, I wondered why they would be willing to miss the first 40 mins of a movie when they would be paying full price to see it? Secondly, it seemed that they thought they were above the rules. They wanted to come late, so they should be allowed to. Thirdly, why not come on time and avoid all the trouble?

How many times do we put off things thinking "I'll do it later" and then when later comes...it is too late! How many opportunities to bless, encourage, support, teach...in other words, to make a difference....have we missed because we put it off. We always think there will be time, but we are not promised tomorrow and situations change. So I guess the answer is to determine to not let procrastination rob us of our joy and to remember the old adage ...

"Don't put off until tomorrow what should be done today!"


  1. Ha! I'm glad I read this just after I completed some things that I was procrastinating on...
    We are such an entitled people...aren't we?

  2. excellent advice, and i wonder the same thing you did about the why of it all.
    i am the opposite of procrastinator, whatever that is called. i am early, to early for every where i go, invitations to parties, doc visits, always way early. once i had to drive around for 10 minutes so i would not be to early for a shower that started at 3 pm. when i go on a trip, my bags are packed the week before except for last mintue items and the list of those is laying on the suitcase to be checked off. i wonder what that is called

  3. Good reminder! I always wondered about people who showed up to church really late as well.

  4. A great post... some great advice.

    Too often we put off what we should do today... and when the knots start appearing, we think the blame must be elsewhere, certainly not us.

    I've been learning over the years.... thanks for the reminder to stay the course. Tomorrow has its own troubles, don't complicate them by adding today's portion of what we had grace and strength to accomplish today!

  5. Finally had a chance to catch up here again. =)
    I'm one who does not like the feeling of putting something off... but we all do it. Right now I'm putting off making jam...


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