" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

wednesday hodgepodge

1. April showers bring May flowers, or so the saying goes. 
When did you last 'shower' attention on someone
 or have attention  "showered' on you?
 Did you love it, or did all that attention make you squirm?

Hmmm.....I would say the tea party I hosted fo
r my daughter-in-law a couple of weeks ago.
I wanted her to feel "showered" with love...
and I think she did!

2. Share a favorite 'spring break' memory. Not talking about just the
 'college spring break' thing, but any favorite spring break memory
 you'd like to share. Keep it family friendly please!

One year, when our daughter was in college, she, Hubby and
I went to Panama City, FL.
The main thing we wanted was to go to the beach and
 stay on the beach.
So, I went on line found an affordable condo and booked it. 
It had been many years since I had been to P.C.
 and didn't even think about it being "the" spring break destination
 for high school and college kids.
But, God was merciful to me in my ignorance and our condo
 was on the opposite end of the beach from the rowdy kids!
Daughter and Hubby went hand gliding that week...
a first for both of them.
And a funny thing that happened...daughter and I both
 put vaseline on our lips while on the beach thinking we were
 protecting them. Instead, it fried them!
We both woke up the second morning with swollen lips!
 It gave a new definition to "a fat lip"! 
It was still a fun week with perfect weather!

3. It's National Pecan Month...are you a fan? If so, what's your
 favorite dish that calls for pecans?

Love pecans...by themselves, in salads, pies, cookies and
 meat or fish entrees that are pecan crusted.
I use them most often in the Derby Pie I make.
 It is a family favorite!

4.  'Put all your eggs in one basket', 'egg on your face', 'rotten egg',
 'walk on eggshells', or 'a good egg'...which egg-spression
 could most recently be applied to your own life?

Most of the people in my life are "good eggs".
They are responsible and hard working.
They are thoughtful, generous and kind. 
I am grateful for the positive influence they have in my life!

5.  In my experience___________________________________.

I have found that it is important to be a person who is reliable.
 People like to know that you are trustworthy,
 that you do what you say you will do and that you will do it well.

6. What's a  favorite song with the word rain in its title or lyrics?

"My Favorite Things"
from the "Sound of Music"
"Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens,
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.
Brown paper packages tied up with string...
these are a few of my favorite things."

7. What does the word hope mean to you?

Because I trust that God is sovereign, hope means that my future
is secure. Regardless of what is happening today, I know that He
 loves me and that "all things are working for my good."

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Glad baseball season is here! I enjoy watching our Braves 


  1. Love your answer to #7. Good luck to your Braves ... except when they play my Cardinals. ha!

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers today! Ed and I once went to PC on vacation. It wasn't during spring break, but it was still 'lively'. Glad you shared the fact about vaseline on the lips, I had no idea!

  3. Wow those fish in the post below this one are pretty amazing! I didn't think of My Favorite Things. I love that one too. Just fyi-when I click on your link each week it always says blog post not there, but then I click on your header and get it that way. Not sure if you're linking it that way for a reason, or if you didn't realize it was linking that way, so I'm just letting you know : ) Enjoy your day!

  4. what i love about you is you are always so positive with your answers to these questions. and always happy...i love pecans on or in just about anything or all by themselves. my dad had 3 giant pecan trees so they were a staple in our lives.
    oh no on the Vaseline lips

  5. I enjoyed reading your hodge podge responses. Have a great Wednesday!

  6. a very fun hodge podge today!! i LOVE baseball and hot dogs!!

  7. Love your Spring break story and ouch on those lips! I looked that pie up and it looks delicious. That's a great song choice. Enjoy your baseball.....

  8. Love your definition of hope. Thanks for a fun Hodgepodge Wednesday.


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