" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

oh my goodness!

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       They say that we get more forgetful as we age. That is probably true, but sometimes I think
        I am just not paying close enough attention to what I am doing. Some cases in point:

   -- Wed night I went to visit a friend whose mom was in the hospital. In my defense,
   I haven't been in this particular hospital in many years. But, anyway, I found her room
   easily...got off the elevator, walked down a long hall, passed another set of elevators,
   turned left and her room was on the right. But when I left, instead of passing the first set of    
   elevators, I got in one. I pressed "1". When I got off, I looked to the left....nurse's station.
   I looked to the right...nurse's station. Hmmm, I should have seen a sign that said
   "Main Lobby". Then I looked at the wall in front of me..."3rd Floor". (And before you say
   I just got off on the wrong floor...I was the only one on the elevator and the "1" was lit up
  when the doors opened!) So, I stopped a young lady pushing a cart and said, "How do I get
  out of this place?" She laughed and said, "You must have gotten on the wrong elevators.
  It happens all the time." She put me on the right elevator which took me to the lobby and
  above all odds, I managed to find my car all by myself!  On the drive home, I remembered
  that long walk down the hall and passing those elevators.  Yep, just not paying attention!

  --Yesterday, I was doing a little sewing project. I saw my bobbin was almost empty. So,
  I removed my bobbin cover, replaced the bobbin, pulled the thread through, and was ready 
  to replace the cover. I looked on the table, in the little compartment of my machine that holds   
  bobbins, needles, etc., the floor, my chair, the compartment again,the floor again (this time
  with a flashlight), under the fabric I was working with, and the compartment, one more
  time..... and there it was! I dropped it in there when I took the new bobbin out.
  But, why, pray tell, didn't I see it the first two times??? Not paying attention!

 --Back in Nov, I made a little overnight trip. I packed one outfit to wear to an event
 the next day. I have two pairs of navy blue pants...one fits, the other doesn't. When I started
 to get dressed...can you guess which pair I had packed? Yep, the WRONG ones! So, I had
 to go shopping for something I didn't need because...I didn't pay attention!!

--When I made that last quilt, I thought I was being so careful. But when I was about to finish sewing the binding on, I realized I had sewn it to the wrong side first. So, I had to rip out all those stitches! An hour later, I was able to start sewing again. By now, you understand...I wasn't paying close enough attention! :-)

 So, I'm not sure what the answer is.... slowing down, stop trying to multi-task or maybe just wearing blinders!! :-)


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