I had the house to myself last night so I rented two movies, bought a
Krispy Kreme doughnut, brewed a cup of decaf and settled in for a night of relaxation and entertainment! I rented "Amelia", the Amelia Earhart story with Hillary Swank and Richard
Gere. It came out some time in 2009, but I never saw it. Well, it was interesting to learn about her personal life... her marriage, her personality, her other interests. She wrote and spoke very poetically, she was tender with children (though she never had any of her own), and she was selfless in her support of other women in aviation. But there was no chemistry between Swank and
Gere, so the love story was sort of unbelievable and the movie was just too long. It kept going and going!! I spent the last 15 minutes at my computer blogging just listening to the dialog.
The other movie was one that came out last Christmas. It looked like it would be cute and funny... not! It was "
Everybody's Fine" with Robert
DeNiro and Drew Barrymore. The truth is.. it was sad.. the whole movie was just depressing. The worse part was one scene where
DeNiro is with his 14 year old grandson. He is
pretending to be mad about some very bad golf shots and uses profane language over and over for about a minute. The interesting thing is that was the only profanity in the whole movie and it was in the scene with the child...my goodness. I never like that (the language) in a movie and try to avoid it, but that really made no sense at all. So, long story short, if you haven't seen these two flicks, save your money. Use the ten bucks to buy a pizza!!