" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

grand "grands"!

We had a nice visit with our oldest son and his two little girls this weekend. The weather was beautiful except for some rain on Sunday, but even that was lovely because it was needed. He has a nice yard and he is diligent about keeping it well maintained. His front yard grass, especially, is like carpet, lush and thick. He has border grass (thanks to good old Dad) lining his driveway and around his flower beds. He has a huge weeping willow tree in his back yard. And he even has flower boxes full of impatiens hanging on his deck!

And, of course, a "play station".... the outdoor kind! Along the fence, to the right of the slide, he plants his garden... peas, tomatoes, cantaloupes, and cucumbers. He ate cantaloupe until he was about to pop once when he was about 18 months old. He has loved it ever since. Here's a picture of him and his youngest "weeding" the garden. She is the "biggest" helper!

There were scooters and bikes to ride, games to play, blocks to build with and lots of hugs and kisses! The girls weren't too interested in posing for pictures. The youngest who is three told me when I picked up my camera the first time......"I don't want to say cheese!" Cracked me up! Here is what I got ......

And, in case there is any doubt, there is a real cutie behind that mug of hot chocolate!

Anyway, we had a great weekend! We are very proud of our son. He is a fine man and a great dad! And we adore those little girls....... they are a joy and delight!


  1. Wonderful pictures!! Sounds like you have alot to be proud of!!

  2. I'm proud of him too! glad he's my brother.


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