" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

hope springs

I think I would have to say that spring
 is my favorite season. 
Watching God's creation come back to life 
after a winter's sleep is so inspiring.
 I love to see the trees "green up" and
 the flowers and shrubs begin
to bloom. It is a beautiful picture of hope!

My mother-in-law loved amaryllis.
 She had a large bed of them. They multiply
 profusely, so she shared some with us.
 Every year we are
 blessed with their loveliness!

I talked in an earlier post about the new
 Encore azaleas we planted last spring. 
The bushes are still small, but their blooms
 have been plentiful!

We still have a few of the bushes that
 were here whenwe bought the house. 
Two of the biggest are white.
There is one in the front yard by
 our driveway and this one in the
 corner of our backyard.

About 15 years ago, we had some
 next door neighbors who decided to plant
 Yoshino cherry trees in their yard.
They lived there for several years
 and then moved away.
They never saw the trees bloom.
But, every year, we get to enjoy them!

I don't think they thought they were
 giving us a gift when they planted them...
but they did!

"Spring is God's way of saying
'One more time!' "
Robert Orban


  1. And a great gift it was. Very pretty blossoms!

  2. mother had all of the above, but not the cherry tree, and jonquils... spring in her yard was a sight to see in Savannah GA

  3. Even though I see a lot of flowers years round I agree, Spring is a fresh start and always makes me feel good!

  4. I planted an Encore azalea that didn't "encore"; it didn't survive its first winter. So I replanted another one; it didn't "encore" and I'm not sure it survived the winter (there are a couple of green-looking leaves at the very bottom of the plant). I'll probably try to get it to come back, but if it doesn't, I don't think I'll try another Encore azalea - at least not in that spot. :-( Shame, because I LOVE azaleas ... and what could be better than one that blooms several times!

    Our Yoshino cherry didn't survive the heat/drought of last summer (gosh, there seems to be a theme here of my plants not surviving), and we replaced it with a Yokibano (I'm not sure I have that variety correct - and it's too dark to go outside to check the tag) cherry. It did well over the winter and has just started to bloom.

  5. I love your post - the flowers and all. My mom used to say that in Georgia - Springtime was a blessing not a season. sandie

  6. Pretty. Meant to tell you I like the new look too. I looked when you first changed it but forgot to say something.

  7. Oh Debbie. Thanks for the lovely florals. I LOVELOVELOVE spring blossoms of every kind! Thanks for thinking my 'zipper up the back' nude sandals were unique. I got them at Target and get this; they were the only pair there like them. That was really unique, huh? HAVE A SUPER WEEKEND!


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