I watched a movie a couple of nights ago called "Hatchie" (pronounced "Hotchie"). It is the true story of a man and his dog. They met when the puppy got lost in a train station. The man took him home only for "a day or two" intending to find him a home (or so he said). He didn't try very hard and, well, you know what happened...... he kept the dog and they were inseparable.
Every morning, the man took the train into the city where he worked. Hatchie walked with him to the station, went home for the day, and then returned every evening a few minutes before his master arrived on the return train. After a very happy greeting, they walked home together. It was a small town, so most everyone knew the man and Hatchie and were touched by the bond that they shared.
After about 3 years (it isn't clear in the movie), the man died at work, suddenly and unexpectedly, at the age of 51. It was late that night before the family realized that Hatchie was still waiting for him at the station. They picked him up and took him home. For a few days, they kept him in the fenced yard, but they saw him stand at the gate every evening when he heard the train arriving at the station. They finally decided to let him come and go as he did before. So, every evening, a few minutes before five, Hatchie would take his place on the fountain rim to wait for his master. He would wait until the last train had come and the station master turned off the lights and went home. Then Hatchie would go to his sleeping place for the night. He did this for NINE years! He died one night lying on that fountain rim.....waiting.
This brought a couple of different thoughts to mind. First, our Master will never leave us. He promises that He "will never leave us or forsake us". He also says that nothing.......NOTHING..... "neither life nor death, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus." Rom 8:38-39.
The other thought was about the waiting. There are many verses that talk about "waiting on the Lord." How long am I willing to wait? Would I wait nine years.......five years.....one year? How about 24 hours? We live in a world of instant gratification.... high speed this and fast acting that.
We don't know much about waiting, but God promises some wonderful things if we will wait on Him:
"wait on the Lord and He will strengthen your heart"
"wait on the Lord and He will exalt you."
"wait on the Lord, and He will save you."
"no one has seen a God besides you who acts for those who wait on Him."
"the Lord is good to them that wait on Him."
Diana at To Everything A Season posted about waiting today, too. When I found it, I was in the middle of writing this. I took that as a confirmation to finish this today. I encourage you to read what she had to say.
So, I know God has a plan for me...plans that are good! My prayer is that, by His grace, I will wait as He reveals that plan to me. 'Cause I don't want to miss a thing!!
(I appreciate all the sweet and thoughtful comments about the 1ooth post. You all are very kind! If you haven't left a comment, you have one more day. Read the previous post for details.)
My Walk in Visit to Doctor during Time out
1 hour ago
Ok - totally do not think I could get through that movie...I was so waiting to hear the happy ending that someone came and took the pup home and filled that empty spot with new puppy love:)
ReplyDeleteBut, I really did enjoy your application:) Will have to link over and read the other post on waiting. Why is waiting so difficult??
I don't know how you got through that movie, I had read about it and just reading what you said about it, I was already crying. I have been in the waiting room for so long and I have learned so much during the trial. The main thing is that God is faithful and He is trustworthy. He is love. I would not have learned this without the trial. I was thinking the other day I was so glad I didn't give up because I would not have seen the fruit.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this post, I think you were right on.
I had to leave you a P.S I read that you are a fan of Mitford. Me too, I shouldn't have but on Tuesday, the second Father Tim came out and I bought it at full list. I have it sitting on my table and I walk by and touch it. I am saving it. I thought it would be nice to share with someone since Mitford is my favorite town. :)
ReplyDeleteI watched that movie too and balled my eyes out! Did you know that it is based on a true story about a real Akita named Hachiko? You can read about Hachiko HERE.