After two weeks in Tenn, I walked back through
this door today!
I am so thankful for the opportunity to spend such a special
time with our son's family. It was so sweet to be able to help
and to get to know our new little grandson.
I whispered, "Gran loves you!"over and over in his ear.
Since I am not sure when I will see him again,
I am hoping he will remember my voice.
I know, I know...he's only a week old, but a Gran
can hope, can't she?
Hubby did a good job of holding down the fort!
Our flowers, bushes and plants are looking
colorful and healthy.
I ran around snapping pics just as a rain shower started!
It didn't last long, but it made the air smell so fresh.
Aren't you glad God made colors?
I think it was one of His best ideas!
I've probably said this before, but our hydrangea grew from
a cutting from Hubby's grandad's bush.
So, it is very special to us and I love the shade of blue!
This pretty little stuff comes back every year...bigger!
It fills in an empty place by our patio.
I can't for the life of me remember it's name, but I'm sure glad
I bought it three years ago!
We bought our house from the Thompson's back in 1976.
They planted a single row of day lilies in our front yard.
They bless us with their bright yellow arrival every May!
They're like a gift from the former owners. :-)
I got a little teary when it was time to leave our
Little H, but as Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) said,
"There's no place like home!"
And, God's rainbow of colors welcomed me
beautifully! :-)