" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

t-i-m-b-e-r !!

When we bought our house in 1976, there was a small magnolia tree in the back yard. After
several years, when we could see it wasn't growing, we moved to the front yard next to our house.
In retrospect...probably not the wisest decision! Although it did grow and flourish, it's roots have broken up our driveway and the leaves...oh my! what a mess they make! I love the blossoms, but they were always so high in the tree, you could barely see them. And the only way to pick one was to climb on the roof...not an option for this girl! Here's a picture...it's a tall one!

So, after much consideration, the decision was made to cut it down. I was surprised
when I pulled in after work today to find that the Hubby had done just that!

 He kept the big wood to burn in our stove and this is the trailer full of branches
 that will be hauled to the landfill.

We will miss the shade and the beauty of the tree, but we will have a sunny spot in 
our yard (a rare thing!) to plant something. Also, when Hubby resurfaces the driveway 
soon, it should stay smooth and flat!

Glad to have a Hubby who can do these things...saves us lots of money! He told me he used my 
Daddy's chainsaw (one of the tools he inherited when my dad died a few years ago)
for part of the job. That made me happy. I know it would have made Daddy happy, too!
A nice thought for this week before Father's Day! 


  1. What a lot of work. It is very nice having a hubby who can do all of that sort of thing.

  2. Oh it is so good to have a handy husband that can do these things. We want to cut down a very large tree on our property, too.

  3. we are about to pay 1200 to have a tree removed... you are blessed

  4. How blessed you are to have a hubby who is handy. Mine is not, but I'm thankful that he realizes that he isn't ... so we're not paying double for jobs (first to fix hubby's attempts and then to actually do the job - ha!).

    What are you going to plant in that spot?

  5. You know the same thing happened here - it is beautiful, but does so much damage - you need a huge yard. sandie

  6. Glad I read this before I drove up in your driveway and asked myself, "What's different here?"


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