" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

today's gifts

51. lite whipped topping (another guilt-free teat!)
52. fresh cut grass (the way it smells and the way it looks!)
53. fried shrimp (love, love, love 'em!)
54. second chances
55. Christian parents (a wonderful heritage!)
56. sight
57. the right to vote (did that today!)
58. color (adds spice to life!)
59. salt
60.water (at the turn of a faucet!)

Monday, July 30, 2012

a little black book

I mentioned earlier that I bought a little something
in the shop in La Grange.
Well, here it is...
a little black book!

When I opened it, this is what I found...

Intrigued, I turned to the next page and
found notes for a sermon...

...and a few pages later, a list of sermons
this young man had preached.

It was priced at $4 and was 40% off,
So, for $2 and some change, I decided
to buy this bit of history.
My curiosity was piqued...who was the young man,
 what became of him, and how did his "little black book"
end up in an antique store in Georgia.
I did a little research and found a man with the same man
who died in 2005 at the age of 85.
He was a Methodist pastor and a professor of theology
at a Georgia university.
I have no idea if the two men are indeed the same man.
 But, I can see how, maybe after an estate sale,
 some of his things may have made their way to this store.

Finding this book reminded me of all the
 faithful men and women who have come before us.
Those who have taught and preached and prayed.
Those who have raised their children to love God
and to walk in obedience to Him
Those who have been willing to stand alone
for what is right...willing to die,
if necessary to defend their faith.
How grateful I am for the foundation they
built...for my own personal family and
for our country.
They were heroes of the faith!

Then this question came to mind...will those who come
 after me be able to call me faithful?
Will my life be viewed as one of
love, obedience, and integrity?

It's something to think about...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I do, I do!

My daughter, Little E and I attended
 a special event on Saturday.
A young woman, that we have known since she was
a child, was married. I won't share her age, but
I will say that she has waited a while for this day.
Her faithfulness in waiting for the man God 
chose for her has been a testimony
of her trust in Him.

 The flowers were pretty...
wildflowers tied with twine.
She wanted the bouquets to look as if
 the flowers had just been picked...
and they did!

The centerpieces at the reception...

...the attendant's bouquets....

...and the arrangement at the head table
 were all lovely!

The wedding cake...

...the groom's cake...

...and all the food was beautiful and delicious!

 The people were lovely too...
our dear friends that "adopted" our family
 a long time ago and have been
 parents and grandparents to us.

 My "Warm Springs" buddy and her husband.

Their son and Little E.
Not sure what expression that is on her face !

 Another long time friend and her adorable grandson.

My sweet girl and one of her
special friends...

...and with her Little E!
That's another funny face! :-)

 Me and the mother-of-the bride.
She's waited a long time for this day, too.
(Her other two children are sons.)

 Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you the desire of your heart."
But He doesn't promise it will come immediately...

...sometimes you have to wait!
I believe she would say it was worth it!

We are so happy for them. We pray that their marriage
will be long and happy....
a testimony to God's faithfulness...
and to theirs!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

hanging out

Thursday night, in the middle of a rainstorm,
the Hubby looked out the window
and saw this....

He was hanging by two feet in the rain eating a hickory nut!
Maybe he is in training for the Squirrel Olympics!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend whether you have big plans
or are just planning to "hang out"!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

that's fishy!

Last Friday, while I was doing something I love
the Hubby went fishing...
and this is what he caught!!!

Now, that's what I call a"mess" of bream! :-)
Fishing is one of his favorite things and he had a ball!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


When we left Warm Springs, we headed up the road
to LaGrange, Ga. 
We had reservations here... where the reviews
said we would be treated warmly...
and we were!

 This is the scene that greeted us when
 we walked in the door...
almost like coming home!

After a little rest and dinner, we took
 a swim in the pool.
And, no, to answer your question...
there are no pictures of us in our swimsuits! -)

After breakfast, we packed up and headed to
historic downtown.

 This mural greeted us as we started around the square.

The tree-lined streets were pretty...

...and the shops were interesting. 
We loved the name of this one !

When we got to the corner where we turned to go to 
our lunch destination, we saw this impressive building.
Can you guess what it is?

 The movie theater!!!

We ate lunch here...

 ...and had ice cream here!

 Cute retro decor!

This is the town square. It was lush and green...

...with caladiums...

 ...and petunias...

 ...and huge  crepe myrtles!

Neat benches, huh?

The statue is of LaFayette, who visited the area in 1825.
The city was actually named after his country
estate near Paris.
LaFayette was a French general who helped
us defeat England in the Revolutionary War.
LaGrange was also the home to the
 Callaway family who founded the famous
 Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Ga. in 1952. 
It is a resort complex that covers 13,000 acres
and is visited by over 750, 000 people each year.

 Here is where we spent most of our time...

looking at lots of pretty things!

I thought of many of you as I browsed...
I've come to know some of the things
 that are dear to you.

 This basket reminded me of Kim and
 her beloved chickens!

 And this flax spinning machine brought
 Debbie, the spinner of wool, to mind.

I know Marianne, a lover of all things vintage,
would have enjoyed seeing these.

 And though it is not a John Deere,
I did think of Judy and her life on the farm
when I saw this great little tractor

I made one small purchase here, but I'm going
to wait until later to tell you about that! :-)

We stayed until they were ready to lock the door
and then we hit the road for home.
We really did have a wonderful time...
lots of talk and laughter...
good food and fun!
We had not taken a trip together in a long time...
we won't wait that long again! :-)