We all know that our God is intentional. So, this next little nugget really excited me because it is another example of that. When you learn something like this, it's like finding a treasure.... a little secret that God hid but wanted you to find. Anyway, here it is. Psalm 22:6 says..."But I am a worm and not a man, scored by mankind and despised by the people." The Greek word for worm is tolath....it is also the word for scarlet. In ancient times, the scarlet worm was boiled with fabric to dye it scarlet. In nature, when the scarlet worm is ready to give birth, she implants herself in a tree ....so deeply that she can not be removed nor can she remove herself. After she has her babies, she dies and her young feed on her body. As they consume her, they are stained by her scarlet color. She stains her own. After her body is gone, the tree has a scarlet stain as well.
The blood of Jesus stained a tree and it stains us......His own...."unto Him who loved us and washed us from our sin with His own blood." Rev.1:5
Thank you Jesus, for being "obedient even unto the cross" so that we might be saved and know and love you in this life and for eternity!
That is awesome. I knew there was some kind of significance to that verse. I just didn't know what it was. I love that.