I looked at my profile page today and noticed that it says I have been on blogger since 2007. Well, I have been reading other blogs since then, but only started this blog in March 2010. It isn’t a big deal, but it is a little misleading.
I went to Hobby Lobby Friday to buy fabric. I noticed their candles were half price this week and I’ve been waiting for that kind of sale to buy the votives for the wedding reception. So, I filled my basket with 6 boxes of votives. When I checked out, the cashier said, “You know these aren’t half price, right? It is only the single candles, not the value packs.” Well, the sign was hanging on the shelf where the value packs were. I’m sure in the fine print, it said... “singles only”, but I didn’t notice it. As you might suspect, I didn’t buy them. I still have a few weeks. But, the point is, I thought that was misleading.
Remember what the serpent said to Eve..... “ Did God actually say you shall not eat from any tree in the garden?....... You will not surely die. For God knows when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good from evil.” He twisted God’s words, he misled her.
Sometimes I mislead others......when I whine and complain, when I worry, when I am impatient, when I am unloving or unkind, when I am selfish, when I am jealous. Those things say to others that God is not trustworthy, that He isn’t in control, that He does not meet our needs, that He isn’t loving and kind, that He doesn’t care for us.
I don’t want to do that. I want others to see God for who He really is. I want them to know that He is the Almighty God, maker of heaven and earth. He is the one who has made a way for my redemption and the one who lives in me and through me.
God says I should "always be prepared to give an answer, to everyone who asks me, to give the reason for the hope that I have” and He commands that "my light should shine before men, that they may see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven”. A spirit-filled life is characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness so that others will be led to God's marvelous light not misled into further darkness.
God empowers and enables me to live the life of obedience He has called me to......."God is able to make all grace abound toward me that I, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work." II Cor. 9:8 Praise the Lord!
My Walk in Visit to Doctor during Time out
1 hour ago
Great post - I agree...I don't want to mislead others either - for others to ever think that my God is not big enough, gracious enough or able to handle all my needs. Thanks for such a poignant reminder.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
What a great post! I love how you point out the way we act to different areas in our lives shows our trust in God. Beautiful. I have a friend that whenever I ask her how she is she responds with, "I'm hanging in there." I so dislike that saying! In spite of everything that I'm going through, I want to shout that God is in control!
ReplyDeleteHad a similar problem today with upgrading our phones. We found the phones we wanted in the circular last week and they were $1.00 each. Perfect. Go to the store today and the price is $19.99 each. I mention to the salesman the different price and he says that they raised the prices on Sunday. I said, "What about the circular?" And he said that the circular I was holding was from July. I then pointed to the date that said the prices were good till 8/21 and he walked away from me. I waited until someone else came and he agreed and gave me the two phones I needed for $1.00 each.
Sorry about your candles!
Good phone results there!!!
ReplyDeleteGod took me by the hand and led me to this blog today. He knew I needed a gentle reminder and He used you and this post to do that. I love how He does that for me. Resting in His tender love and care brings great comfort to me. Worrying about situations does truly mislead others. Thank you!