" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

a couple of givers

I was reading a magazine at the salon Saturday when this article caught my eye. It was about an older couple from Nova Scotia who won the lottery last year. They were awarded $11.2 million dollars. The interesting thing about it was..........they gave it away......every cent of it! They helped many of their family members and gave the rest to Canadian charities. The husband was quoted as saying that he bought two tickets every week and it was always their intention, if they ever won, to donate it to those in need. He said he would continue to do the same. They live on their retirement in the home they have lived in for many years and they drive a 1987 model vehicle.
I don't buy lottery tickets and I'm not suggesting anyone else buy them, but I was blessed by the generosity of these two people. They certainly care about others and we will never know how many people benefited from their gifts.
The lesson in my bible study this week was about the farm. We read verses about sowing, reaping, plowing, and seasons. But what was most interesting to me was the part of the study about gleaning. The only thing I knew about gleaning was that Ruth did it! Well, I know more now and the story about the lottery winners is an illustration of what I learned. Tune in tomorrow to get the rest of the story ! :-)


  1. I had read about them too and I just loved the story. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story. I don't think we can get any more episodes on Downton Abbey. I looked at Amazon to see if they did so I think that is pretty much it. I saw that the BBC was going to start production on some more Downtown Abbey in September 2011 so maybe we might get some more of it.
    You know I liked it but I couldn't recommend it with my whole heart. You know why I think. But other than that one scene it was a very nice series.

  2. I don't play the lottery but have always thought it would be great to "come into" some money and be able to give it away. I just wonder if I would really follow through if I ever really had the opportunity. No tellin' how I could reason myself out of that?!? What a great story:)


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