" For God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:25

About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome...I'm delighted that you chose to visit! I started this blog in March 2010 and I am so happy that I did. It has made me more aware of the many ways that God is blessing my life. I have made some special friends who bless,teach,encourage,and entertain me! My desire is to be an encouragement to you. I hope you will tarry for a while and that you will come back to visit often.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Bless you, friends!

So many things to share...I don't know where to start! But tonight, I just want to wish you all a very Happy 2013! I am grateful for your friendship, your faithfulness in visiting me and your kind comments. I learn so much from you. I visit places I, otherwise, would never see. I am encouraged and blessed by your testimonies. And you make me smile and laugh and, on occasion, cry. I had no idea when I started blogging that I would care so much for "cyber" friends. You all are very special to me!

It has been quite a year for us...a new granddaughter, a new daughter-in-law, new houses for two of our children, surgeries for Hubby and I, and our addition/remodel project! It has all been wonderful (well, maybe not the surgeries!), but I am hoping 2013 will be a little less "eventful"!! :-)

 My prayer for all of you for the coming year is that...
" God will pour on the blessings in astonishing ways
 so that you’re ready for anything and everything,
 more than just ready to do what needs to be done. 
As one psalmist puts it,
He throws caution to the winds,
    giving to the needy in reckless abandon.
His right-living, right-giving ways
    never run out, never wear out."

II Cor. 9:8
The Message Bible

Sunday, December 16, 2012

home sweet home

After three weeks in a hotel, we are back at home. When they started tearing down walls and sanding drywall, it was time for us to move out! Fortunately, we found a nice place with a big suite for a reasonable price only a couple of miles away. The nice part was 20 days of no cleaning and very simple cooking! The hard part was trying to prepare for Christmas! But I used the time to get all my shopping done, gifts wrapped, and stockings stuffed!

We are very happy...thrilled, really, with our new family room, laundry room and pantry. Our contractor employs quality people who do excellent work. It's going to take some getting use to...having all this room! I hope to be able to post pictures soon.

We are having our family Christmas this Sat, so I have much to do to get ready. Lots of rearranging (lots of stuff got crammed in bedrooms to clear out the areas where the work was being done) plus shopping and cooking. But I am so happy that we will be able to celebrate here.

As I sit here looking around, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for God's provision for us. It has been a long time coming, but as it always is when it comes to the works of God, it was worth the wait!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

today's gifts

These are some of the things I am thankful for today:

111. Thursdays (my last work day of the week!)
112. sweater weather...makes it feel like Christmas!
113. approaching deadline for our remodel!
114. a generous boss
115. blue skies
116. Christmas trees 
117. poinsettias
118. great smelling candles
119. the change I see God making in a friend's life
120. that "the joy of the Lord is my strength"...'cause I'm tired!

Hope you are experiencing the joy of the Lord in your life today!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

boat mates

Thank you so much for your empathetic comments about my lipstick dilemma. :-)  I had no idea that so many others were "in the same boat." I think that happens a lot in life. We have a hurt, or disappointment, a frustration, or a crisis and we are convinced that we are all alone in our suffering. Surely no one else has been hurt like this or has had to endure a hardship of this magnitude.

Of course, we know that's not true, but it's easy to have that mindset. My experience has been that God is faithful to send me someone who has had the same life experiences and has "lived to tell about it"! Their testimony of God's faithfulness encourages me to trust, to be patient, to wait on His healing, His answer, His resolution.Then when I get to "climb out of the boat", I am one with a testimony to share.

Reminds me of the movie "Pay It Forward"?  It's not a movie that I would necessarily recommend due to content, but the message of showing gratitude for a kindness by helping someone else..."paying it forward"...is a good one. The funny thing is that Hollywood didn't think of it...God did!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

happy lips

I have been wearing the same shade of lipstick for many years...Velvet Crush by Maybelline that costs about $6. I loved it because it looked nice with my hair color and skin tone and it went with any color I wore. About two years ago, they discontinued it. I was so disappointed! I started to shop for a replacement color...a daunting task to say the least! I found (and purchased!) many that looked lovely in the store, but, alas!, not so lovely on me when I tried them at home. I won't tell you how much money I spent on this fruitless search, but, as you probably know, cosmetics (for the most part) are not cheap!

My sweet daughter came to my rescue when she found a place on line that sold discontinued items. (You may remember, I wrote a post about it then, too.) She ordered 3 tubes and they have lasted until recently. When I was about to have to start digging out the last smears of color from my last tube, I knew it was time to start my search again. Needless to say, I was dreading it!

I was in Wal Mart shopping for other things and as I passed the cosmetics, I decided to take a look, But, this time, I checked out a different brand. I found a color that, in the tube, looked pretty close to my beloved shade. And, much to my delighted surprise (when I got home), it was on my lips, too! And, guess what... it cost 96 cents!  I haven't done it yet, but I am thinking of going back and buying all they have! :-)

So, my new happy color is Mahogany. I can only hope that it is around for a long time!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

look who's walking!

Our Little E has been teasing her mom and dad with a few steps here and there. Today, she decided to take off! She is walking all over the place and laughing and squealing as she goes! I've seen a video, but I can't wait to see it in person. It is so exciting watching our little ones grow!

My prayer is that she will also grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God. I hope she will choose to walk in His ways and follow the path that He has designed for her.

I've heard that grandchildren are our reward for growing old. I'm not sure who said it...but I think he/she is right!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

room at the table

For years, I have wanted a dining table big enough for our entire family. Every time we would get together, I would have to set up a card table so everyone could have a seat. With our addition, we are going to have room for a bigger table. So tonight, we bought one!!

I don't have a picture to show you...I will (hopefully) post one when we move it into the house. But, I can tell you about it. It is a farmhouse table... solid wood, walnut finish, simple lines, simple chairs...and it's heavy! It has three leaves that store under the table...they call them butterfly leaves. With all the leaves in, it is 137 inches long and can seat 12! And we got it for half price! I love it! I am excited at the thought of having Christmas dinner with my "brood" around that table!

One day, I will be sitting at the Lord's banquet table. I will be surrounded by another "brood"... the family of God. It will be a very large table and there will be a seat for everyone who answered His call to come and dine!

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
 If anyone hears My voice and opens the door,
 I will come into him and will dine with him and he with Me."
 Rev. 3:20


Sunday, December 2, 2012

today's gifts

Some things I am grateful for today:

101. my hubby's laptop (since my computer is packed away due to       our remodeling)

102. creative people who share their ideas with those of us who need help!

103. online shopping that limits trips to the crowded stores and parking lots

104. good report from blood work done this week

105. good progress on our remodel job...the end is ALMOST in sight!

106. a nice, comfortable place to stay while we wait

107. friends who trust me with their hurts

108. "It's A Wonderful Life"...watched it last night for the first time in years...a great movie!

109. opportunities and the resources (God's provision) to help during this Christmas season

110. and the reason for the season...Jesus, God's most incredible gift!